Sunday, October 17, 2010

RichFaces useful links

These are some of the useful links which will help you get started with some RichFaces core concepts:

JBoss Seam RichFaces

RichFaces Live Demo

For more information, you can always refer to the JBoss Page for more documentation about RichFaces.
click here

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Scrollable Data Table

rich:scrollableDataTable represents the tabular data and is used for customization of table look-n-feel from skin parameters

Suggestion Box

RichFaces Suggestion Box provides the J2EE applications an easy to use, autocomplete option. The autocomplete component has become very popular after the major search engines like google, yahoo have implemented the autocomplete search capabilities in thier search engines.

Rich Faces Autocomplete provides an easy to use plug in capabilities for all J2EE applications using the JSF/Richfaces components.

Click Here to view the source code of auto complete.


SimpleTogglePanel is a  panel with a label text, that is shown with an outline  and additional content that can be shown or hidden when clicked. This operation of hidden/shown is known as toggling and can be done on a click of a mouse. This can be achived on the client side as well as server side by changing the value of the attribute "switchType" as client, ajax or server.

Rich Output - Model Panel

The model panel is displayed for a link and when the link is clicked the model panel is displayed over the page. All other page links get disables. It is an extension of the overlay panel.

Ajax Form

a4j:form or Ajax Form functionality is used to submit the form when the link is clicked.

When ajaxSubmit="true", all standard action components on this form become ajaxable.

Ajax components

These are  some of the common  Ajax components - a4j:support, a4j:commandButton, a4j:jsFunction, a4j:poll, a4j:push.

Source Code Example:

<a4j:commandButton value="Inform" reRender=":informIdDiv" />

<h:panelGrid id="informIdDiv">

These are useful for AJAX operations

Action Parameters

this component assign the value to the property of the manager bean directly using the assignTo attribute.